Words of Wisdom

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

I’ll try to keep this short and to the point. 

Some of you may recall that not too long ago, I did a Clews Views column entitled “The Land of the Empty Warehouse.”

In it, I lamented that four past presidents – George Bush I, Bill Clinton, George Bush II, and, of course, Barack Obama – had all but obliterated America’s manufacutring base.

To make matters even worse, I posited, Toxic Joe Biden is now hellbent on insulting, offending, and waging war on the very countries to which the Fatal Four offshored our industries. 

One day, I suggested, the countries we have now put under the gun are simply going to say, “Okay, since you have attacked us, we are going to starve you.” 

At which point – I believe inevitably – America will become “The Land of the Empty Warehouse.”

I remind you of this because of an exchange thread that recently appeared in the outstanding news and discussion forum Free Republic.

And I hasten to add that I am not at all surprised to find this kind of an insight on Free Republic (FR) – which is the first place I turn each and every morning for news and commentary. 

FR is a perfect example of why, as we have discussed time and again in the past, the Alternative Media is your best source by far for a reliable window on the real world. 

Unlike the mainstream media – peopled as it is with elitist liberals – the Alternative Media is the bailiwick of real Americans, well outside of the elitist enclaves.

And that, my fellow Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leader, is the legitimate source of lasting wisdom!

An open book (Bible) with pages flipping by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 is licensed under unsplash.com
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