West Virginia Joe is at it again!

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC,

Granted, it’s tough to find a politician more blatantly duplicitous than West Virginia Joe Manchin.

Which is why the people of that great state have already informed him in no uncertain terms that it’s high time for him to hit the country road and get as far away from home as humanly possible.

Which is why in the coming year…

Your Constitutional Rights PAC is going to begin demanding that every piece of material emanating from a congressional office be subject to the same exact Truth in Advertising rules, regulations, and punitive laws as any other marketing material produced by any other self-promoting business entity!

Maybe it’s high time that what is good for all of we geese is also good (or, in this case, bad) for the gander.

What do you think?

So here’s the Bottom Line:

With your help, within the fortnight, your Constitutional Rights PAC will begin working with attorneys to bring every single member of Congress within the same exact Truth in Advertising Laws that apply to every other American. 

In short, for the 547 members of the US Congress, it’s time to say goodbye to immunity – and say hello to the Lanham Act. 

After all, if they want to act like they are the best of us, they ought to learn how to live under the same laws as the rest of us.

Fair is fair.


Joe Manchin by Senate Democrats is licensed under United State Senate
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