Victory 2024

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Make no mistake about it… 

There has never been a more important – and pivotal -- election in our nation’s history than the Congressional election of 2024. 

The Presidential election is critical –  

And that’s why your Constitutional Rights PAC is doing everything in its power to help make sure Donald Trump (or someone who totally shares his views and vision) overcomes Democrat/Deep State election corruption and wins by a landslide. 

That’s our promise to you. 

But even if President Trump wins – which he will with our help – 

His hands could be tied – 

If the Democrats and Deep State are allowed to seize control of the House and keep control of the Senate.

If (God forbid) they are able to steal the 2024 Presidential election… 

Well, in that case, we simply MUST take control of the Senate and expand our control of the House – 

Or suffer the total destruction of freedom – and the shredding of the Constitution – as never before in our nation’s history. 

That’s how important the 2024 Congressional elections actually are.

That is why you Constitutional Rights PAC Game Plan for Victory 2024 is so vitally important. 

And that is why your Constitutional Rights PAC needs your help today!

It all depends on YOU!

So, please allow me to share with you our Constitutional Rights PAC Game Plan for Victory, may I? 

With all that is at stake…

With all that our country now faces… 

And with the vitally important role that you now play as a Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot Leader in the critical days, weeks, and months ahead…

I dare not do less.  

After you see it, I believe you will agree that your Constitutional Rights PAC – and only your Constitutional Rights PAC – is the absolute key to staving off a radical leftwing Democrat/Deep State total takeover –  

And a staging a stunning victory for “liberty, freedom, and justice for all” that could preserve our Republic now… and for decades to come. 

Are you ready? 

Then, please allow me to share it with you! 

After careful study and endless hours of analysis, your Constitutional Rights PAC Home Team has targeted 20 key House of Representative races…

And 8 key US Senate races that can turn the tide of the 2024 Congressional races.  

Out of the 20 key House races, we must win a minimum of 10 to preserve our freedom … 

Out of the 8 key Senate races, we must win a minimum of 5 to preserve liberty throughout the land.

And we need your help NOW to guarantee that success!


Here are the details – And I know you’re going to like them!

I want you to be fully briefed on all that is a stake – 

And how we, together, can make the difference that turns the tide.

So, please take just a moment to look over the lists below…

To see where your help NOW can make the difference between victory and defeat – 

Between allowing the radical leftwing Democrats and Deep State to continue to plunder our freedom – as the Biden regime has done on a daily basis for nearly three full years –  

And empowering hardcore conservatives – fellow Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots one and all – to take control of the Senate and the House –

To end the Biden reign of error and terror – 

And to restore liberty throughout our land!  

In the House –with your help -- your Constitutional Rights PAC is targeting the following key seats in our vitally important Game Plan for Victory 2024 -- 

Any or all of which, I promise you, we can win -- again I say, with your help today! 

Here they are – we need 10 of the 20 – and, frankly, we fully intend to sweep the board: 






Yadira Caraveo



Jared Golden



Open (Slotkin)



Open (Kildee)



Don Davis



Gabe Vasquez



Emilia Sykes



Susan Wild



Matt Cartwright



Marie Gluesenkamp Perez



Mary Peltola



Marcy Kaptur



Open (Spanberger)


Frank J. Mrvan



Susie Lee



George Santos



Pat Ryan



Greg Landsman



Eric Sorensen



Open (Wexton)


With your help, as a Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leader, your Constitutional Rights PAC Home Team can go into every one of those key House districts… 

With your help, we can select and train top candidates, one and all… 

And with your help, we can turn the tide of victory!

Can I count on you today?


But let’s not stop there – 

We want the House – and the Senate!

But, let’s not stop there.

As Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leaders, we not only want to expand the conservative majority in the House –  

We want to take the Senate as well! 

That’s why, in the Senate – once more, with your help -- your Constitutional Rights PAC is targeting at total of 8 key seats…

Any one of which is entirely winnable… 

And we simply won’t settle for less than 5! 

Here they are (and what do you say we take all 8?!):  




PA-Casey Jr.


AZ-Sinema (I)


NJ -- Menendez 

That’s 20 key House seats – of which, with your help, we can take a minimum of 10…

And 8 key Senate seats – of which, with your help, we can take a minimum of 5.

That’s why I am asking that right now – before you even set this important message aside – you take just a few minutes to contribute as much as you possibly can…

To help guarantee that that the Constitutional Rights PAC Game Plan for Victory 2024 sweeps the Democrats and Deep State from power… 

Protects our freedom from the Biden regime’s dangerous and deadly assaults…

And restores liberty throughout our land!

Will you do that -- right now – 

When the need is so great…

The hour is so late –  

And America needs your help, now more than ever?


Every day, your Constitutional Rights PAC Home Team thanks God for your support… 

I think you will agree that your Constitutional Rights PAC Game Plan for Victory 2024 is exactly what America needs at this critical time in our nation’s history. 

And with your help, we are going to do all of that – and more! 

So, in closing, let me thank you for all that you have done – and all that I know is in your heart to do – as a true Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leader.  

Every day, when I meet with Constitutional Rights PAC Home Team leaders, we marvel at your resilience, your consistency, and your deep-seated adherence to the abiding principles that have made our country great.  

Every day, we sit in awe and admiration at your courage and commitment to be a beacon of enduring light even in the darkest hours…

And we thank God for your continued support.  

Now, as your Home Team prepares to go out into the field of battle to help recruit conservative candidates who share our values… 

To prepare them for the onslaught to come and train them in the winning techniques to help assure their success – even at times against all odds…

And as we report to you continually about the shape of the battle and the keys to victory… 

We ask once again for your prayers – 

And for your generous support.

As, together, we take back our country –  

And Make America Great Again! 

Thank you – and may God richly bless you in the critical days ahead.

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