Tucson border sector sees third straight week of 10,000+ apprehensions as flow of illegal aliens shows no signs of stopping

  • by:
  • Source: The Blaze
  • 10/11/2023

The Tucson, Arizona, border sector's agents apprehended nearly 13,000 illegal immigrants in the first week of October 2023, the third straight week the number eclipsed 10,000.

Chief Patrol Agent of the U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson Sector John Modlin announced a plethora of migrant apprehensions and rescues, posting his weekly numbers to his X account, Breitbart reported.

Modlin reported 12,992 apprehensions, 192 rescues, 127 federal criminal cases, 18 human smuggling events, five narcotics events, and two firearms seized.

Just two days before the post, the border station at Nogales reported that a K9 team made a "significant" seizure of drugs in four abandoned duffel bags.

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