Trump's Threats Against Mexico Are Working...Round Two

  • by:
  • Source: Townhall
  • 07/31/2020
Two weeks ago President Trump threatened to slap sanctions on Mexico if the government continued their failure to stop hundreds-of-thousands of illegal migrants from moving north to the United States. Mexico took him seriously and has been enforcing the southern border with Guatemala to stop the flow. Trump is keeping tariffs on the table as an option to ensure Mexico continues their enforcement and it's working. 

According to new numbers, apprehensions and crossings at the U.S. southern border with Mexico has decreased by 13 percent as a result of Mexico's crack down. 

"The number of migrant families crossing the border illegally has been falling in recent weeks, according to preliminary figures from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, though U.S. officials say it is too soon to get a full picture of the impact on migration trends from President Trump’s deal with Mexico," the Washington Post reports. "U.S. authorities detained more than 85,000 “family unit” members at the border in May, an average of nearly 2,800 per day. That number has declined about 13 percent since the beginning of June, a period during which Trump threatened to impose tariffs on Mexico and the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador agreed to an immigration crackdown to avoid the penalty."

While the numbers are going down, the crisis is still out of control and broken U.S. immigration laws continue to fuel the issue.
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