Kamala and Moloch

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Kamala Harris is an anathema…

Whose climb to power is wrought with depravity.  

From being a notoriously profligate politician in California...

She went on to being the most radically leftwing member of the US Senate…

To being the most inept and personally repugnant vice president in US history. 

And now, out of 34,000,000 Americans, the Democrat Party has chosen her as their presidential candidate. 

It can’t get much worse than that, can it?

There is absolutely no single issue facing our nation upon which true red, white, and blue conservatives like you and I can agree with Cackling Kamala Harris. 

But there is one issue upon which we disagree with this egregious woman that is above and beyond all others –

Because it is a matter of life and death.

I refer, of course, to abortion…

The killing of the unborn…

The sacrificing of innocent enfants to the hungry jaws of the demon Moloch.

One doesn’t have to be a pro-life crusader to believe there should be at least some limitations as to when babies can be slaughtered. 

But one does have to be an abortion zealot to demand that babies be killed even after they are born alive.  

Enter Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC by-SA 2.0

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