Trump launches campaign machine with massive war chest, despite polling lag

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 07/31/2020
When President Trump speaks in front of some 20,000 people Tuesday night at a jam-packed arena in Orlando, he’ll formally kick off his 2020 re-election campaign.

In reality, the president’s bid for a second term in the Oval Office has been underway for as long as Trump’s been in the White House. And compared with his 2016 campaign, the 2020 edition -- thanks to the power of the incumbency and a massive war chest -- is in a whole different (big) league.

Highlighting the enthusiasm on the ground, Trump and his campaign have been tweeting in the run-up about the early-gathering crowds, with some supporters arriving more than 40 hours in advance to secure a spot in the arena.

"Going to be wild - See you later!" Trump tweeted Tuesday morning from Washington.

“Thousands of people are already lined up in Orlando, some two days before tomorrow nights big Rally,” Trump wrote on Twitter late Monday night. “Large Screens and food trucks will be there for those that can’t get into the 25,000 capacity arena. It will be a very exciting evening! Make America Great Again!”
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