Trans-identified male likens Texas lawmakers to Nazis over banning drag for kids

There were astonishing scenes at the Texas state capital Thursday when a trans activist physically blocked the senate’s sergeant from taking the microphone from a trans-identified male who had run out of time while testifying against a ban on drag shows for children.

Loren Perkins was testifying in support of drag shows for children and had spent a significant amount of the allotted two minutes comparing Texas lawmakers to Nazis when the buzzer sounded and time was up.

However, rather than ending the impassioned speech, Perkins continued with the help of a trans activist who stood up and physically blocked Austin Osborn, a senate security guard, from turning off the mic, allowing Perkins to deliver the remainder of the speech.

In a video that went viral on TikTok, Osborn can be seen grappling with the trans activists, making vain attempts to reach the microphone. Meanwhile, Perkins remained in full flow.

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