Time To Take Out The Trash

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Woke former college president Liz “They’re Only Jews” Magill has resigned.


And hopefully, she did let the door hit in the butt on the way out of the building. 

(Remember, this is the woman who crucified UPenn students who dared object to men disguised as women invading the girl’s swim team. Guess in her opinion, too many of the female swimmers were “just Jews.” After all, it’s all about “context,” donchaknow?)

So, that is one hardcore leftwing Woke college president down – and two (or, quite likely, thousands, more) to go. 

Perhaps no one put the entire scandalous, outrageous, egregious, liberal (but, then, I repeat myself) behavior of the college presidents in more proper “context” than the inimitable David Portnoy, brilliant founder of Barstool Sports.

Here is his interview with Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade – and as David says, “It’s time to take out the trash!”

BTW, if you were perhaps wondering why a full 20% of young people in America (that’s one out of every five!) are now convinced that the Holocaust is a “myth”…

Well, now you know.

As far as America’s Woke college presidents are concerned, you just need to put it into “context”…

After all, to them, it was only the Jews.

May God help us. 

In the words of Apollo 13 command pilot James Lovell, “Houston, we have a problem.”

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