They Saddled Up Anyway

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

The bill to once again raise the debt ceiling has been passed by the Republicans – yes, I said Republicans – in the House of Representatives.

That’s right, the Republicans the American people elected to get government spending under control…

The Republicans who promised us they would fight Joe Biden tooth and nail to reduce the size of government –

And stop wasting all of our hardearned tax dollars on bottomless-pit welfare schemes.

In short, the Republicans lied.


And you and I and every other good, decent hardworking American are going to pay through the nose for the rest of our lives for their lie.

Only four House Republicans voted against the deficit spending debt ceiling bill.

They kept the faith -- and their word --

And they deserve our deepest sense of gratitude.

Here are the four – along with their House office phone numbers – and I urge you to call them to offer your thanks:
  • Rep. Matt Gaetz (CA) – (850) 479-1183
  • Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ) – (202) 225-2635
  • Rep. Ken Buck (CO) – (202) 225-4676
  • Rep. Tim Burchett (TN) -- (202) 225-5435
Embeeded at the top of this article is Andy Biggs’ video explaining his courageous vote. It’s worth watching – because he says what we as Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots firmly believe.

As a longtime top Washington political operative, I can assure you that these four courageous men faced tremendous pressure – including dire, direct threats – for refusing to cave in and vote with the crowd.

But, clearly, they followed the old John Wayne adage: “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”

Be sure to call Matt, Andy, Ken, and Tim and thank them for “saddling up” for what’s right!

The Republicans who voted for the debt ceiling bill said they had to do so, or otherwise it would have brought government to a standstill.

Clearly, they did not get the memo.

If the handful of legitimate agencies within government need extra funding, here’s an idea: defund the NIH, defund the CDC, defund the FDA, defund the FBI, defund the DOE, and defund HUD.

And that’s just for starters.
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