The Word According To The Apostle Peter

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Happy New Week!

And now, unfortunately, get ready to let me spoil it.

Frankly, I have never, ever, in well nigh on fifty years at the very highest levels of politics in Washington, read a more astute, incisive – and more tragically on target -- column than the one here



And I am genuinely sorry to say that. 

Read it.

And weep.

And then, please send your Constitutional Rights PAC as generous a gift as you possibly can so that we, together, can continue to fight the evils the author so passionately, persuasively, and poignantly reveals. 

May God bless you...

And may He help all of us who so deeply believe in the America that once was – 

And must again be – 

For the good of us all, our children, and our children’s children, for generations to come.

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