The Unwinnable War in Ukraine

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

This article below by the Daily Reckoning’s extraordinary analyst James Howard Kunstler is not just a good read…

It is a must-read!

Because it covers the waterfront – from the transparently phony Biden presidency… to the catastrophically ill-advised and unwinnable war in the Ukraine… to the pending worldwide economic collapse… Merrick “Himmler” Garland’s criminality… and the regime’s deliberate destruction of the US southern border.

It is a prime example of the Alternative Media at its best…

Which, as I have averred time and again heretofore is your only source of objective news and reliable analysis now available!

Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight as a leading member of the Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot Nation!
Ukraine by Tina Hartung is licensed under

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