The Ultimate Pigmentation Problem

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

The radical left has a problem. 

It’s a pigmentation problem.

Oh no, not their own pigmentation.

Most of the hard left ruling elite are as lily white as the fresh fallen snow.

And darn proud of it.

They live in lily white neighborhoods.

They cavort with lily white family, friends, and C-Level business cronies (and, of course, the occasional carefully groomed negro – if he talks white). 

And they send their children to exclusive (of negroes) lily white schools. 

If they happen to go to church (maybe, perhaps, at Christmas and Easter), it is to listen to a fey, mealy mouth lily white pastor as they sit smugly next to their lily white friends. 

And so they have a real, deep-seated, increasingly unresolvable pigmentation problem.

To wit:

A whole bunch of folks who are not lily white – in fact, are actually (brace yourself) decidedly dark brown -- are getting off the plantation, acting all uppity, and actually buying into a bunch of Martin Luther King dreamin’ and schemin’ nonsense. 

And they just don’t know what to do with them.

They tried just passing them off as surreptitious white folks – as in “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.”

When that didn’t work, they tried disdainfully characterizing them as just a small minority of traitors to their own race. 

But, doggonit, those pesky, rebellious black “traitors” just keep multiplying in numbers day after day. 

And now, lo and behold, they are flocking en masse to the mega racist Donald J. Trump…

They are proudly sporting the hated MAGA headgear…

And they are actually threatening to go to the polls and vote Republican in open defiance of their lily white slave masters. 

And that, in sum and in extremis,  is a very serious pigmentation problem!

Lest you have any doubt about it, just watch the delightfully defiant Mark Robinson speech below…

And pay careful attention when he tries to wipe off the brown –

Because their ain’t no lily white blood in this great black conservative leader’s veins. 

And for us Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leaders, that is a pigmentation solution!

The times they are a-chnaging.


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