The Red Arrow Rule

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

I need your opinion on something. 

It’s something that first occurred to me about 50 years ago…

And has further ingrained itself into my psyche every single day since. 

Are you ready?

Well, here it is:

I absolutely, honestly, and unequivocally believe that all real intelligence in America today exists and abides outside of the Washington beltway. 

I call it the Red Arrow Rule.

The fact is, I believe that the first 537 GED grads you could pull from your nearest state test center would make better political leaders than the current crop of members in the United States Congress (both Houses included)…

And the first straight-jacketed inmate you could escort out of any nearby loony bin padded cell would make a better president than the current occupant of the Oval Office. 

By a long shot. 

All of which brings me to the video above I want to share with you…

And the sincere request which follows. 

So, first – a true clown named Katt Williams explaining how out of touch our current political system actually is (obviously, I don’t agree with him about Trump, but overall, his point seems pretty darn valid).

The point of which is that our entire political system is totally messed up by those inside the Washington beltway (encircled in red above).

All of which is why the entire mission of your Constitutional Rights PAC is to totally reform and rebuild our entire political system…

With, as I have so often said before: “A clean sweep with a new broom!”

So, now, here is what I would like for you to do for me, if you would be so kind:

Simply send me a text message (to 202-664-6190) with the words “YES,” or “NO,” and your first name: 

“YES” if you agree with me… “NO” if you disagree… And your first name so that I can politely write you back a Thank You note.

That’s it.

Since you are beyond the boundaries of the Washington beltway – where “Intelligence Rules Outside the Red” --- 

It’s your opinion that counts most (and should, in fact, count only)…

And I would love to hear from you!

So, please text me now, before you even put this email aside.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

KattWilliams-Trump-Biden by Club Shay Shay is licensed under
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