The Punishment Must Fit The Crime

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

I have not written much about the savage Palestinian terrorist invasion and massacre in Israel since my initial commentary earlier this week not because my sense of outrage has diminished –

But, in fact, because it has not.

The truth is, if anything, it has expanded exponentially.

By the hour. As I said in the Daily Update commentary and video I sent to you on Monday, the depravity of the Palestinian barbarism is unprecedented and unparalleled in modern history.

And the punishment must fit the crime.

I said it then. I believe it now. I applaud every just and courageous action Netanyahu is taking to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth.

And I pray daily for Israel’s sure, total, and expeditious success.

Having said that, I want to caution Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots not to underestimate the role Toxic Joe Biden and his State Department minions – Anthony Blinken and Victoria Nuland – played in the Hamas terrorist onslaught.

This Townhall article provides an instructive encapsulation…

But, I assure you, there is even more to come.

So stay tuned.
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