The Phony Inflation Report

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Alternative Media.

Alternative Media. 

Alternative Media. 

At this point, well into the Biden Regime’s deepening descent into the… let’s face it… demonic abyss, there is little that is more important than to absolutely shun the mainstream media…

And get all of your news and commentary from the Alternative Media. 

The mainstream media’s cheery accolades yesterday about how Toxic Joe and his Economic Disaster Team have “beaten inflation” – 

When it actually rose more than 3% provides a case in point. 

And one has to wonder, Where exactly do these people shop?

Is there some sort of Biden Bootlickers Outlet where they get their groceries for free?

Do they fill their tanks with some sort of Joe ‘N Go magical elixir only available to fawners and factotums…

And heat their homes with Biden effluvia? 

Well, the fact is, as you and I both know, inflation is still eating the rest of us alive -- while the mainstream media talking airheads are eagerly drinking the Kool-Aid – 

And insisting we join them in Toxic Joe’s Luciferian fountain of fables and falsehoods. 

So, for an honest look at what is really going on with inflation, I offer you the outstanding analysis by the Alternative Media’s inimitable Greg Mannarino.

Greg is always honest… always right on target… and always entertaining. 
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