The Orange Man Cometh

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Now we know what Toxic Joe Biden and his family were doing a Camp David over their long weekend:

Goodbye pasty Joe…

Hello tanning booth!

We are told that Toxic Joe’s “loving family” (aka: Grifters, Inc) all gathered round to help make his big decision.

Which apparently turned out to be whether to lie face or derriere up in the tanning booth. 

Toxic Joe’s entire presidency has turned out to be both a tragedy and a travesty – 

As the ever incisive (and amusing) Mark Dice aptly avers in the video embedded above.

As Constitutional Rights PAC Nation activist leaders, you and I need to take the lead in removing this ridiculous old fool from office. 

The alternative is too horrifying even to imagine.

Stay strong!

PS: Your Constitutional Rights PAC is now interviewing key MAGA congressional candidates all over America. It’s a costly process. And we need your help now. Please click on the DONATE button below to give as generously as you can to help assure a MAGA majority in the House and Senate in the upcoming election. We deeply appreciate your continuing support.

Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

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