The Dark State Coup

How do you tell the truth without stating the facts, being candid, or coming clean?

In short, how does one open a can of worms without leaving a trail of slime…

Or, almost certainly, getting oneself incarcerated (there is still plenty of room left in the J6 Gulag). 

Or, perhaps, in this case, killed. 

Let’s be unequivocally clear:

The Dark State planned, orchestrated, and executed the attempted assassination of President Donal John Trump. 

And, furthermore, they staged the overt coup against Joseph Robinette Biden. 

Washington’s Conservative Inc calls it the “Deep State.” But that is dead wrong. And  most of those astride its overflowing coffers know it. But, they are too fat and lazy to bother pushing themselves back from the dinner plate to set the record straight.

The Deep State is the bureaucracy. It’s bloated, power-hungry, and avaricious. But it, like the caliphs of Conservative Inc, is too self-satisfied and -indulged, and -absorbed to present a real and present mortal danger.

Not so with… well, let’s call it what it is: the “Dark State.” 

The denizens of the Dark State are natural born killers. 

They rule from far beyond the purview of their subject citizenry. 

They operate in the shadows. They hide in the covey holes and out of sight around the corners. 

They emerge only when they want to be seen.

And that is, quite simply, to take credit for some dastardly deed they have committed. Some blood (often innocent) they have shed. Some coup they have orchestrated. Some murder they have gleefully committed. 

You know the Dark States component parts. 

If not, you can easily pull them out of the alphabet. 

And if you haven’t done so already, you really should get started –

Because they are now clearly operating out in the open. 

They are your new masters.

And you dare not make a move without their explicit orders, or at the very least their knowing nod. 

How best can you recognize the handiwork of the Dark State?

Well, you can look to Butler, Pennsylvania, where they convinced a gullible moron to take out the former President of the United States.  

And then when he missed – by millimeters – they gleefully took their kill shot.

Which, of course, they fully intended to do anyway… 

Because dead men tell no tales.

Or you can look at the Dark State’s duplicitous handiwork in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. 

Once it became clear to the Dark State that bumbling, stumbling, mumbling Joe Biden could not defeat – and they could not kill -- Donald Trump, the senile old idiot they had installed in the presidency was no longer of any use to them. 

He had to be disposed of. Pure and simple. Flushed down the political toilet. 

Like they had done with John Kennedy. Likely tried to do with Ronald Reagan. And attempted to do with Donald Trump.

Only this time, no bullet was necessary. Why waste any ammo on an empty head?

This time, they informed their lickspittle, fully controlled, mainstream media to go ahead and tell the truth they had always known about Puppet Joe:

Simply put, there is nobody home. Hasn’t been for more than a decade. 

But he was a useful idiot, a fully manipulatable mannequin… At least until now.

Now, he is too brain dead to be of any further use, the Dark State informed the lickspittle media.

So, crucify him. 

We’ll take Barabbas – or, rather, Kamala. 

The lickspittles did their job. They softened the target.

And now the Dark State oligarchs went in for the kill.

They informed their political bondservants to finish Joe off. Get rid of the irritant. Take out the trash. 

And the first real coup in American history was executed. 

Joseph Robinette Biden was unseated. Dethroned. Deposed. Tossed in the Dark State dumpster.

All upon the orders of the ruling elite – i.e., the denizens of the Dark State.

Oh, of course, babbling Joe at first resisted. Pushing aside his mush and brushing off his drool cup, he mumbled that he was still “up to the job,” as “healthy as ever,” the “greatest president in history.”

Nonsense. As the Dark State knew from when it first put him in the Senate and stuck him in the Vice Presidency. 

So, acting directly upon orders from the man behind the granite desk in the deep, dank, Dark State headquarters, puppet woman Nancy Pelosi told vacuous Joe:

“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. You can either resign, walk out with your shoulders erect, and we will extol you for your courage… Or you can resist, and we will put the 25th Amendment bullet in your head, and you will crawl out in disgrace.”

Jill told Joe to choose Door #1.

The Dark State coup was complete. 

And this time, with the transparent assassination attempt and the equally obvious disposal of the beach boy babbling idiot, the Dark State had actually played its hand somewhat out in the open.

Just out in the open enough for the whole world to know who is now totally in charge. 

That any and all should now do as they are told. 

And that the United States of America is now a Banana Republic.

Rotten to the core.

And ready for the dung heap of history. 

But, please don’t tell anybody I told you so.

The United States Capitol Building by Joshua Sukoff is licensed under

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