The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

They say that “a picture is worth a thousand words”…

So, here for your viewing pleasure is a video (embedded above) that could well be worth a million!

The picture – “the best of times” -- is one of the first acts by newly elected House Majority Leader (gee, it feels good to say that) Mike Johnson –

And, yes, what he is doing is leading the House Republican Conference in prayer!

How’s that for a change of pace from the Pelosi years when God was banished to the anterooms and “spiritual wickedness in high places” was the unfailing order of the day?

The video – “the worst of times” -- is Steve Bannon’s War Room interview with Matt Gaetz -- in which Gaetz fully reveals first time the repugnant chicanery of RINO Kevin McCarthy as the latter put politics above fair play and personal gain above the public good. 

We can all thank God that McCarthy has now been banished to the back bench.

For the first time in decades, we now have true conservative leadership in the US House of Representatives.

Now, it is up to each of us a true Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leaders to encourage the Republican House members to be bold, to “not be weary in well doing” – and, when necessary to hold their feet to the fire.

In short, together, let’s make this “the season of light… the spring of hope.”

Let’s do this thing!

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