Ronna McDaniel Has To Go

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Well, the Republican Party got wiped – again -- out yesterday.

Which is kind of par for the course ever since Mitt Romney’s niece, Ronna McDaniel, was installed as the chairperson of the Republican National Committee (RNC), isn’t it?

Her total lack of leadership has produced unmitigated catastrophes in 2018, 2020, 2020, and now 2023.

And yet, she continues even today taking the same “Pay me my exorbitant salary and I am heading off on vacation” blase attitude -- as the RNC heedlessly plunges headlong into yet another cataclysmic wipeout in 2024.

Under McDaniel, the RNC has no real grassroots outreach program…

Under McDaniel, the RNC has no on-the-ground GOTV (Get Out the Vote) program…

Under McDaniel, the RNC has no pull-out-the-stops PR program (which it desperately needs!)…

Under McDaniel, the RNC has no 24-hour podcast network (which I have personally tried to guild them to and through – and which party-on Ronna can’t quite seem to grasp).

And under McDaniel, the RNC has no hope whatsoever of coming out of the comatose doldrums and offering good, decent, patriotic Americans – like you -- a viable alternative to the Democrat’s totalitarian takeover!

And, I know you will agree –

That is absolutely inexcusable!!!

Our beloved country is in an existential battle for its very survival – 

And Ronna McDaniel’s RNC is AWOL.

You would hope that they would be looking for any and all alternatives you might be able to offer to help them overcome their abject failures, wouldn’t you?

But, how much do they really care about what you think? 

In short, Ronna McDaniel’s Republican National Committee could not care less what you think... 

So, here is one thing you can do as a leading Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot to help the RNC finally and fully get the message that…

Either they start losing Ronna and stop losing elections –

Or they are about to lose your support – once and for all:

Constitutional Rights PAC CALL TO ACTION

Call the front desk at the RNC’s First Street SE headquarters – smack dab in the middle of The Washington Swamp -- (202) 863-8500 – and politely but firmly tell the message taker that either Ronna leaves… or you do! Ronna may not directly want to hear from you – but as Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots tie up the main number, her staff will get the message loud and clear that the game is up. 

And she’s gotta go!!! 

Let’s do this thing!

Ronna McDaniel by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons
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