RFK Jr. On A Roll

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot:

It’s Thanksgiving – 


And I know you are busy getting ready to thank the Lord and carve the turkey…

So, I will keep this note to you short and to the point.

To wit:

There are three key reasons why you should not underestimate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Clearly, the points RFK Jr makes in the above video are illuminating, incisive, and, well, pretty much right on target, aren’t they? 

So, let’s make that Reason #1 why he should not be underestimated:

  1. RFK is capable of making his points cogently, intelligently, and convincingly (whether you agree with him or not). And that separates him decisively from the bumbling, stumbling, mumbling current occupant of the Oval Office. 

It also separates him from every other pompous, posturing politician running for the Top Spot – who can only spew out the most vacuous and venomous politispeak (can you say, “Gavin Newsome”?). And it even separates him from my personal favorite, The Donald, who, let’s face it, tends to run on a bit. 

Now let’s go Reasons #2 and #3:

  1. RFK is going to get the vast majority of the 80 million Baby Boomer votes – overwhelmingly. Why? Well, for two reasons. The first reason is nostalgia. We (yep, I am a BB of proven vitage) fondly remember and still miss his father and his uncle. We look back on them as icons of a better era. And many among us will vote to bring it back. 

The second reason is his age. He is one of us – in the best way possible. Now, before you say, “Oh, but so is Joe,” think about it: The aged, decrepit Toxic Joe Biden represents everything we decidedly do not want to be at our age. RFK (like Mick Jagger and Sly Stallone) represents everything we wish we were. Shallow? Perhaps. But, a simple fact of the matter. So, we like him front and center.

  1. RFK is picking and choosing all of the right enemies. The American people know that something has gone terribly wrong with this country. Fatally wrong -- unless someone identifies what is plaguing our nation. And boldly offers us a cure. FDR said, “You can tell a man by the enemies he makes.” RFK’s enemies are our enemies (and many would say the prevailing enemies of mankind as well). And he is striking back. 

Big Government… Big Business (especially Big Pharma)… the Deep State… the Military-Industrial Complex… the Washington Political Elite…the Woke proponents of abject moral decay – RFK, like Donal Trump, calls them out and names names. And it is resonating with the good, decent, hardworking Americans who are sick and tire of the whole bunch. 

So, there you have it.

That’s my reasoning.

What’s yours?

Please let me hear from you – it’s your opinion as a Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leader that counts most!

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