Reagan Farewell Address

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot.

Will you take a trip back through time with me?

A trip into the past – and, I sincerely pray, into the future as well.

A trip from hopes fulfilled to hopes renewed. 

A trip whose final destination is entirely up to each of us. 

On January 11, 1989, President Ronald Reagan bid his farewell to the nation he had led so nobly from days of abject darkness… to a “shining city upon a hill.”

From dire straights to a higher calling.

Now we are in days of darkness again. 

Toxic Joe Biden has plunged the nation into the abyss – economically, politically, militarily, and even morally. 

And I firmly believe that if our nation is to emerge once again into the broad sunlight of freedom for all, brotherly love, and moral rectitude, it is going to be up to Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots like you and me to boldly lead the way. 

So, I urge your to take just a few minutes, if you will, to watch President Reagan’s farewell address above…

Ponder the picture of the America he left behind – which we have “loved long since and lost a while”…

And recommit yourself anew to restoring our once great nation, never to be lost again.

Together, as we ponder this great speech, let us, as fellow Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot Leaders, make these words our charge to keep, shall we?

“I’ve never won anything that you didn’t win for me. They never saw my troops. They never saw Reagan’s Regimens… The American people. You won every battle with every call you made and letter you wrote demanding action. And well, action is still needed today.” – Ronald Reagan

We – the legions of Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots, now numbering in the hundreds of thousands – are Freedom’s Forces.

We are the latter-day Reagan’s Regimens (now, perhaps more aptly dubbed “Trump’s Troops”)…

And if we fight back on every front against the Biden Regime’s “spiritual wickedness in high places” (as the Good Book says)…

We can, indeed, “pitch our tents in the land of hope”…

And once again restore that “shining city on a hill.”

Together, let’s do this thing!


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