No ballot drop boxes? Congress set to decide fate of voting laws ahead of 2024 presidential election

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 07/10/2023

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are scheduled to debate voting and election bills coming to the floor in the coming weeks that intend to set the landscape for the consequential 2024 presidential election.

Democrats are preparing to introduce proposals that would give authority to the federal government to determine how states conduct elections, allowing Congress to set nationwide voting standards. House Republicans, however, are scheduled to release a proposal that would tighten voting laws and ensure "states maintain primary control over elections."

On Monday, the GOP is scheduled to introduce the "American Confidence in Elections Act," which Rep. Bryan Steil, R-Wis., chair of the House Administration Committee, called "the most conservative election bill to be considered in the House in over 20 years."

"It works to boost voters’ confidence and uphold the Constitution by ensuring states maintain primary control over elections, not the federal government," Steil said last month. "This is in stark contrast to House Democrats’ efforts in the last two congresses, which would have nationalized our election system and centralized it in Washington, D.C."

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