End The Oppression

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

In just a minute, I will share with you the top three Constitutional Rights PAC social media posts of the past week… 

Each one focusing on the most dishonest, deceptive, and disingenuous candidate in presidential political history.

A total creation of the leftwing lickspittle media.

And a Deep State plant if there ever was one. 

Need I say who?

But, before I share the video posts…

May I share something else with you that is vitally important as we go into the final weeks of the most pivotal election in our nation’s history?

It’s an election is that is going to decide whether we return to our roots as a free, good, decent, and prosperous nation – 

Or descend into the unmitigated horror of hellish socialism, censorship, and oppressive rule by a woeful, willful political and wealthy elite.

And that, frankly, is why Facebook is now shadow banning your Constitutional Rights PAC’s daily social media videos from the very moment they are posted! 

The fact is, your Constitutional Rights PAC social media posts are so powerful and effective…

So fearless and forceful…

That the Zuckerberg thought police are doing all in their power to keep the public from knowing the full truth about Kamala Harris’s shameless, sinsiter campaign of deceit and deception!

That’s why I am asking you now to help fight back against this unmitigated censorship with the full force of the Constitutional Rights PAC Nation.

Beginning today, with the timely, tough-minded videos below…

I am asking you to join me in emailing and texting the weekly PostCast Update commentaries to every single relative, friend, and neighbor on your personal contact list. 

If Facebook blocks us out – let’s box them in.

Let’s take the lead in ending their social media censorship tyranny…

And let freedom ring – 

Loud and clear!

Will you join me now in this truly historic move to end the stranglehold of Zuckerberg empire oppression –

Once and for all?!

Okay, here are today’s PostCast Update video commentaries – 

Let’s do this thing!!!


Thank you for your continued support!

Facebook by Alex Haney is licensed under Unsplash
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