Nikki Haley walks back ‘verify everybody’ social media proposal, wants free speech for ‘anonymous Americans’

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 11/15/2023

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley was asked to explain her earlier remarks about social media companies on Wednesday and said that while she didn't mind "anonymous American" free speech, she didn't support anonymous free speech for actors in Russia, Iran and China.

During an appearance on Fox News on Tuesday, Haley said every person on social media should be "verified by their name." Haley, who was fiercely criticized by fellow Republican candidates for the idea, joined the hosts of CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Wednesday and was asked to explain her comments after "heads exploded." 

Haley said again she wanted social media companies to be transparent with Americans and show their algorithms. 

"What I know, what anyone in intelligence [knows]… Russia, Iran and China, North Korea too, know that the cheapest form of warfare is to spread misinformation. Look at what happened with Israel. You want to know where all this pro-Hamas information is coming from? It is coming from foreign actors that are sowing chaos and division," she said. 

Nikki Haley by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons

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