MTG brings resolution to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas after 2 of her constituents were killed by human smugglers

Georgia's Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene brought a resolution to the House floor to impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. And this time, it's personal. Two of her constituents are dead because of his poor management of the US-Mexico border, and she is determined to hold him accountable. The resolution calls for his impeachment for "high crimes and misdemeanors." 

An elderly American couple from Dalton, Georgia were killed yesterday in Batesville, Texas. They died when their car was hit by a vehicle full of illegal immigrants from Honduras, being driven by a human smuggler from Houston. Everyone in both vehicles, eight people altogether, were killed in the crash.

Jose and Isabel Lerma were from Marjorie Taylor Greene's district, and they were driving to Mexico from their home in Georgia when they were struck and killed. Human smugglers are often Americans who are enlisted by cartels to pick up illegal immigrants from near the border and drop them off at their next stop, where they are ferried further into the country by additional smugglers paid by the cartels.

None of this would be happening were it not for Biden's border crisis, a disastrous open immigration policy that has seen some 8 million illegal immigrants apprehended at the border since he took the White House in 2021.
Marjorie Taylor Greene by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons
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