Military woos ex-servicemembers fired over COVID vax mandate, offering return, correcting records

Both the U.S. Army and Air Force have sent letters to former servicemembers who were separated from the military branches for refusing to comply with the 2021 Defense Department’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, providing guidance on how to seek corrections to their discharge records and how to return to service.

However, a military lawyer warns these letters are because of poor recruitment numbers, not about helping the former military members. 

The letter, which has circulated on social media and was verified in an interview by Just The News with lawyer R. Davis Younts, who represents multiple former and current servicemembers negatively impacted by the COVID vaccine mandate. The letter advises recipients to go to the Army Discharge Review Board and/or the Army Board for Correction of Military Records to seek changes to their personnel records.

The changes can include “records regarding the characterization of discharge,” according to the letter, in the cases where former servicemembers received a discharge other than honorable.

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