Memorial Day 2024 - Would They Be Satisfied with Us?

It is Memorial Day, 2024.

And on this Memorial Day, even more than most, as we commemorate the ultimate sacrifice brave American soldiers have made on countless fields of fire…

It is not enough simply to remember what they have done –

It is equally important to contemplate and commit to that which we must do. 

That is why at this very outset above of this commentary, I cited a sacred hymn that has haunted, and, frankly, hectored me since I was a mere child. 

I can still hear my Methodist minister father singing that hymn at countless revivals, his rich, mellow, melodic voice filling the sanctuary with the words that would guide so many of my steps for years to come:

“Is my master satisfied with me?”

I wonder, on this Memorial Day, are those who fell on “Flanders Fields” satisfied with us?

As the rogue Biden Regime strips us of one cherished freedom after another…

Are those who fell at Lexington and Concord satisfied with what we have done to rescue the January 6 political prisoners held in bondage in the American Gulag?

Are those who fell at Antietam and Gettysburg satisfied with our timid and tepid efforts to free those being condemned to years on end in federal prisons merely for protesting at abortion chambers?

Are those who stormed the beaches of Normandy satisfied with our lackluster response to Biden lieutenants barring the Knights of Columbus from praying at the graves of our fallen heroes at Arlington?

Are those who gave the last full measure of devotion at the Frozen Chosin, Daejeon, Danang, and Hamburger Hill satisfied at our lack of unbridled outrage as Toxic Joe Biden sends perverted men in little girls’ restrooms, stocks the shelves of elementary school libraries with pornography and replaces the American flag with the homosexual banner in the portal of the White House?

Are those who sacrificed their lives in vain at Basra, Fallujah, Tora Bora, and Kandahar satisfied at our gaped mouth acquiescence as one leftwing judge after another corrupts our system of jurisprudence to crucify a former President?

The truth is, we may yet have one last chance between now and November 5, 2024, to win back the esteem and admiration of those who on harrowing fields of fire “have done so very much for us.” 

There has never been a more important election in the history of our country than the endgame contest between the venal, vile, autocratic Joe Biden --  

And the man now being scorned and scourged by a thoroughly aberrant legal system simply because he wants to “Make America Great FREE Again.”

Winning the presidential election of 2024 in the face of blatant Biden corruption, ballot abuse, and vote stealing will take on our part total commitment, eternal vigilance, and, yes, at times perhaps even “insurrection” (as the Biden regime likes to label peaceful protest).

But, we can do it.

In fact, we must do it – 

If we are to make those whose lives we today commemorate on this Memorial Day 2024 “satisfied with us.”

I began with a hymn of bold encouragement. So, with your permission, I will end with one as well. 

It was penned more than 150 years ago by a Presbyterian minister urging his compatriots to fight the scourge of slavery as gathered the clouds of war. 

Today, the clouds of war have again descended upon us – and it could well be that only a free and fair election with, frankly, a Trump victory will ward off a conflagration. 

So, in this case, I urge you simply to replace in your mind the word “Jesus” (just this once) with “America” in the inspiring hymn below -- and together, let’s make our fallen soldiers satisfied with us:

Stand up, stand up for Jesus,

the strife will not be long;

this day the noise of battle,

the next, the victor's song.

Let’s do this thing, shall we?



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