Megyn Kelly Unloads on American Media Buying Into Hamas Propaganda

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Megyn Kelly’s tough, no-nonsense video (WATCH HERE) vivisecting the mainstream media’s pro-Hamas reporting – no, make that distorting -- is straight from the shoulder –

And straight to the heart.

The mainstream media – whether simply in search of sensationalistic headlines (“If it bleeds, it leads”) – 

Or whether, more likely, revealing its deeply entrenched leftwing antisemitic bias –

Has treated the Hamas monsters with kid gloves…

While bare-knuckle bashing every move Israel makes to defend its very existence…

And, yes, to avenge the single most sinister, sick, and depraved terrorist assault in modern history. 

Let me say this – and I know it is going to offend the weak kneed – if you know anyone who in any way equates the entirely justified Israeli military response to Hamas’s October 7 terrorist invasion and massacre of nearly 2000 innocent Israeli civilians…

Well, were I you, I would suggest to them that they don’t merely need a psychiatrist –

They need an exorcist. 

And that includes every single member of the mainstream media.

Megyn Kelly by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons
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