Manifesto of trans Nashville school shooter LEAKED, full of anti-white hate

A leaked manifesto reveals the Nashville trans school shooter had a violent hatred of the “little crackers” with “white privilege” that were murdered.

First obtained and released by the Louder with Crowder conservative YouTube show, the three-page handwritten document shows Audrey “Aiden” Hale meticulously planned their last moments and the mass school shooting at The Covenant School on March 27. Three young children and three school staff were killed before Hale, 28, was shot dead by responding police.

The manifesto, written in a spiral notebook, has various screeds and thoughts scrawled down by pen. 

“DEATH DAY,” Hale wrote on one page with the drawing of a target reticle and a pistol, along with the date “3/27/23.”

grayscale photography ofperson holding gun by Max Kleinen is licensed under
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