Looney Liz Cheney

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Looney Liz Cheney is clearly insane. 

Probably has been on the verge for years – and was driven over the edge by Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

You can read the latest stunning report (here) on her most recent outrageous antics.

So, let’s get this straight, shall we?

If you dare to disagree with the demented Liz “Body Bags” Cheney on any issue currently polluting her “fifth dimension” mind, you clearly hate all Jewish people and consider yourself superior, just for example, to guys like Dr. Ben Carson, Denzel Washington, Sweet Lou, or Big Leo (my wonderful black blue collar neighbors). 



Contact Ms Cheney at her University of Virginia office where she has been hired to spread her poisonous views among 20,000 young, impressionable minds. What you say to her is entirely up to you, of course. But, you might want to remind her of the words of the founder of the institution at which she is now corrupting: “Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds” – Thomas Jefferson. Here is her contact info:

465 Crestwood Drive Charlottesville, VA 22903
P.O. Box 400806
Charlottesville, VA 22904

More than 200 years ago, the great Anglo-Irish statesman, economist, and philosopher Edmund Burke wrote, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men remain silent and do nothing.”

As Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots, we will not be silenced by the like of Liz Cheney!

Liz Cheney by US House Office of Photography is licensed under Wikimedia
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