LeBron James’ School Flop Proves Money Can’t Buy Student Success

After five years of fanfare and media coverage, LeBron James’ I Promise School in Akron, Ohio, has failed miserably.

None of the eighth-grade students passed the state’s math test, and only a few of them tested proficient in English. The school is also having turnover issues with campus leadership, giving supporters little reason for optimism.

As one would expect, conservatives “pounced” on this news, and for good reason: Few people have been as insufferable as LeBron James. The basketball superstar has been a vocal supporter of leftist causes such as Black Lives Matter and activist grifters like Colin Kaepernick. Despite dominating the NBA and earning millions of dollars straight out of high school, James claimed to be the victim of racism. And like virtually every other NBA player, he hypocritically refuses to criticize China for its many human rights abuses.

Lebron James by Erik Drost is licensed under Creative Commons

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