
Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Make no mistake about it: 

You are a leader.

And your leadership has never been needed more than now. 

As a Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot, you are, indeed, a “powerful person.” 

Armed with the knowledge your Constitutional Rights PAC provides you about what is actually going on behind the scenes in the Washington Swamp, you “influence what other people do” on a daily basis.

Thank God.

And you have the courage and the commitment to step forward and “lead a group, organization, country, etc.”

So, you rightly deserve a debt of enduring gratitude for all that you do. 

I know that it isn’t easy.

And it is often very lonely. 

As the Good Book advises us, “Narrow is the way, and few are those who find it.” 

And that is why the entire purpose of this brief Daily Update note is simply – and sincerely – to thank you for your leadership. 

I and your Constitutional Rights PAC Home Team members work in Washington every day…

So, we can tell you that the situation has never been more dire than it now is. 

The radical left is on the march…

And much of the right is in disarray – or, even, in outright retreat.

That is why what you do on the home front is so vitally important.

Your bold leadership -- in your own community… among your family, friends, and neighbors… and in the organizations you support –

Is keeping the light aglow in what Ronald Reagan called “the shining city on a hill.”

You are, in the words of John F. Kennedy, “the watchmen on the walls of freedom.”

So, thank you for courageously – and continually – stepping to the fore.

Thank you for your kind and generous support for your Constitutional Rights PAC.

And thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a tried, true, and intrepid leader!

PS: Please urge those who I know look to you for leadership to join us here at the Constitutional Rights PAC. You can assure them that those on your Constitutional Rights PAC Home Team work around the clock, without ceasing to drain the DC Swamp and turn the tide in freedom’s favor. 

So, please encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to follow your lead by coming  to constitutionalrightspac.com, signing up for the FREE daily newsletter – and helping to  fight the good fight to defend liberty throughout the land. Thank you, and may God richly bless you!
silhouette of people on hill by Jehyun Sung is licensed under unsplash.com
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