Joe Biden impeachment inquiry to show evidence of bribery, influence peddling: House Oversight

The the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees outlined the scope of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden Biden in a 30-page memo. The document was sent to all committee members late Wednesday evening.

The committees will investigate if Biden "…abused his federal office to enrich his family and conceal his and/or his family's misconduct,” according to the memo.

The allegations are focused on Biden’s son, Hunter, and his foreign business dealings as well as “President Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s foreign business entanglements,” and “…steps taken by the Biden Administration to slow, hamper, or otherwise impede the criminal investigation of the President’s son, Robert Hunter Biden, which involves funds received by the Biden family from foreign sources.”
Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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