Jim Jordan Needs Our Support!

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot:

Jim Jordan needs our support.


Yesterday, the 22 members of the House Republican Squish Caucus voted against making Jim the next Speaker of the House. 

And they readily sided with the radical left Democrats to do so. 

Here is how PJ Media reported what the Squish Caucus/radical Dems are up to:

“The moderates [Editor’s Note: media term for RINOs] also have brokered their own alternative — a deal with the Democrats to empower temporary speaker Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) to grant him some of the powers reserved for a permanent speaker.”

Let’s be clear:

Jim Jordan has the potential to be not just a good, but a great Speaker of the House. 

His track record since he first took office in 2007 is almost impeccable. 

In fact, had he done just the following, he would have shown the mettle to take the lead:

  • During the 114th Congress, Jordan and eight other members of Congress founded the House Freedom Caucus, a bloc of conservatives working "to advance an agenda of limited constitutional government" in Congress. He served as the group's first chair. The caucus was ultimately credited with pushing Speaker John Boehner into retirement. 
  • On May 2, 2014, Jordan introduced House Resolution 565, "Calling on Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., to appoint a special counsel to investigate the targeting of conservative nonprofit groups by the Internal Revenue Service".
  • On July 25, 2018, Jordan and Meadows introduced articles of impeachment against Rod Rosenstein, whom they accused of "intentionally withholding embarrassing documents and information, knowingly hiding material investigative information from Congress, various abuses of the FISA process, and failure to comply with congressional subpoenas".

And for all of that, we owe Jim an undying debt of gratitude, right?

But, of course, he has done much more than that. Time and again, he has spoken out when others have remained silent. He has stood tall when others have shrunk back.

And now, he deserves a chance to lead. 

So, as Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot leaders, let’s make it happen!


Call the offices of each of the 22 members of the Squish Caucus (below) and demand that they stop siding with the Democrats, knock off the nonsense -- and  help Jim Jordan to take the lead in taking back America. NOW! Here is the list – you can reach them all through the House switchboard at 202-224-3121:

Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb.

Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla.

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo.

Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, R-Ore.

Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, R-N.Y.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla.

Rep. Jake Ellzey, R-Texas

Rep. Drew Ferguson, R-Ga.

Rep. Andrew Garbarino, R-N.Y.

Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla. 

Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas

Rep. John James, R-Mich.

Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa.

Rep. Jen Kiggans, R-Va.

Rep. Nick LaLota, R-N.Y.

Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y.

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-Iowa

Rep. John Rutherford, R-Fla.

Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho

Rep. Pete Stauber, R-Minn.

Rep. Steve Womack, R-Ark.

BTW, if the factotum who answers the office phone tries to tell you that “the congressperson only responds to his own constituents,” you might want to remind them, “I’ll tell you what, since as a taxpayer, I help pay his salary – and yours – I’m sure he will be happy to hear from me.”

Let’s do this thing!

Washington, D.C. on July 4th, 2019 by Caleb Fisher is licensed under unsplash.com
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