It Occurs to Me… (July 16, 2024)

It Occurs to Me…

  • That it’s time for the Secret Service self-absorbed tough guys to take off their really-cool designer sun glasses and keep an eye on what the hell is going on around them. It now seems that everyone at the Trump rally except the highly vaunted Secret Service saw the assassin and knew exactly what he was up to – except the Secret Service. But, buy did they look really need in their designer shads and bad-ass black suits! Just ask them.
  • The entire Trump assassination scenario becomes increasingly bizarre by the day. So, we are to believe that some dimwit who was tossed out of his high school’s rifle club because he couldn’t shoot straight somehow fired the shot fro 130 yards away that came within a quarter of an inch of killing the former President of the United States. And that he got off eight other highly accurate shots in 15 seconds. If you believe that, I would like for you to pay me to instruct you in physical science – which I flunked out of not once, but twice, at Frostburg State College. Garbage.
  • Let me give you a scenario – and you decide if it makes sense: Some dark, deep secret organization finds a gullible, dimwitted, let’s say, an advertising shoot at the headquarters of a close ally. That notoriously violent and deceptive organization trains the young mouth breather on how to use a select, very deadly weapon. The agents for the notorious organization then tell the kid that “You go ahead and do what we’ve trained you to do – then climb back down the ladder, and we’ll have a limo waiting to whisk you away to the life of your dreams far, far away.” The kid does as he is told – and two second’s later, he is whisked away to the land down under. Dead men tell no tales. 
  • It’s is time to finally acknowledge that Cuban born Alejandro Mayorkas may well be a “red diaper baby.” For those unfamiliar with the lingo, that is a baby born to communist parents who is raised to appear to be a good, patriotic, normal American. But, who hates this country and everything about it. And at the proper time – solely determined by his handlers from his real homeland – is positioned to destroy everything and everyone around him who whistles “Yankee Doodle Dandy” and salutes the American flag. Think about it. The Cuban born red diaper baby intentionally destroyed America’s southern border and escorted in 15,000,000 illegal alien invaders with no loyalty whatsoever to the Land of the Free. And he them presided over – and helped destroy – a Secret Service that is now little more than the last refuge for wannabee Barney Fifes. All coincidental. Puh-leeeessseee. 
  • If you want to know how the lickspittle mainstream media intends to position the two presidential candidates over the next 100-plus days, take a look at this week’s Time magazine. Plastered on the front is a guy they tell us is Toxic Joe Biden. He is pictured in the Oval Office. And lo and behold, he is standing straight, steely eyed, wrinkle free, and Hollywood handsome. Gone is the drool. Gone is the 1,000-mile-away stare. Gone are the slumped shoulders and hung head. This is the new Joseph Robinette Biden, dontchaknow? This is the Biden that can sweep America off to greatness in the next four years. This is the air brushed, photo-shopped, computer generated the lickspittle media will be presenting to you daily for the next three and a half months. While reminding us at every turn and with every appositive that Donald J. Trump is, after all, 78 years old. Brace yourself.
  • Your Constitutional Rights PAC is now working on a revolutionary new 24-hour-a-day, full spectrum Conservative Podcast Network. As the CPN White Paper explains: “It will provide a full spectrum of simultaneous programming on a wide variety of dedicated channels. It will feature high-quality, values-oriented programming in all areas of viewer interest. Those will include, but not limited to: politics, current affairs, sports, entertainment, investment, outdoor activities, religion, self-help, children’s shows, education, cooking, home décor, automotive repair, and more.” If you want to get in on the action early, email me at

You are a great Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot grassroots leader. In the coming increasingly chaotic and bizarre months, never give in , never give up, and never give out. In short, Stay strong, my friends!!!

Flag of the United States Secret Service by United States Secret Service is licensed under Wikimedia

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