It Occurs to Me…

Today, some random thoughts that I hope you will find well worth pondering. Each proving anew that the leftwing radical assault on America and all that it stands for is designed for one reason and one reason only: To enslave the “land of the free” and enervate the “home of the brave.”

Which, of course, is why Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots are leading the fight to take back America and protect and defend our constitutional rights, so help us God!

It occurs to me:

  • That the landslide victory by staunch conservative Republican Jeff Landry in Louisiana’s gubernatorial race is very likely a harbinger of things to come across the country in November 2024. If, of course, the fascist left allows us to have free and fair elections. In short, any candidate who runs as a rock-solid conservative and forcefully exposes his opponent’s liberal villainy is going to sweep the board.

Again: If we are allowed to have free and fair elections.  

And BTW, don’t be misled by leftwing media reports that Jeff got “only” 52% of the vote – his pathetic libDem opponent eked out a pathetic 26%!

  • That leftist looney Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan’s gag order against President Donald Trump is yet another glaring example of the Biden regime’s turning the US into nothing more than a rancid Banana Republic. And of Merrick “Himmler” Garland’s total contempt for the Bill of Rights. 

A snarling Ms Chutkan declared, “His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their jobs." Perhaps not – but the First Amendment certainly does. Or. at least, it did. 

  • That the leftwing controlled city of Atlanta, Georgia, once the pride of the South, seems to have some horribly misplaced priorities when it comes to fighting crime. 

According to Atlanta Fox 5 News, “Atlanta police investigated 7% more homicides in 2022 than in 2021. Burglaries, shoplifting and car thefts also increased in the city. Atlanta Police Department data showed 22,334 "Group A" incidents (homicide, rape, aggravated assault and six different kinds of property crimes). 

And how have the leftwing politicians who run that cesspool city responded to this crime tsunami? Well, as the London Daily Mail reports, “SWAT team raids suburban Atlanta home to arrest four people who were running an 'illegal strip club on the weekends' - and had a HORSE on the property.” Liberalism truly is a mental illness. 

  • That Toxic Joe Biden has now issued a boneheaded decree further rewarding the four million illegal aliens he has transported into the United States at taxpayer expense. As the Epoch Times reports, “Biden Admin Orders Banks Not To Reject Illegal Immigrants' Loan Applications,” explaining, “The Biden administration has warned U.S. banks and other financial institutions that they can't reject illegal immigrants' credit applications based solely or predominantly on their immigration status.” 

How well is this going to work out? Well, as my wife – a legal Honduran immigrant, explains only half jokingly, “Most of the Latinos I know rarely pay back bank loans in their own countries, so why should they pay them back here?” But, of course, Toxic Joe knows that. It’s simply another radical left move to destroy the very fabric of American society. 

  • That the Palestinian terrorist invasion and savage massacre in Israel weighs heavily on the minds and hearts of every good and decent American. And our Israeli brothers and sisters are in our fervent prayers. 

But even as we mourn and pray, we need to ask ourselves a vitally important question: How did US intelligence – the most sophisticated, well-funded, and far-ranging intelligence apparatus in the world – totally miss any and all signs and signals that Iran and Hamas  were, for two years we are now told, thoroughly planning out such a massive all-encompassing operation? In short, we need to ask ourselves, “What didn’t they know -- and why didn’t they know it?”

And, how could the nefarious and duplicitous Jake Sullivan go before the TV cameras just two weeks ago bragging that the Middle East has never been quieter and claiming that he has spent less time on those issues than any of his predecessors in the last 20 years? This at a time when the leftwing Biden regime was funding Iran and Hamas to the tune of nearly ten billion dollars. And was conspiring with the Israeli left to foist “regime change” upon that country. 

Frankly, the real question we should be asking our alphabet US intelligence agencies and our radical left State Department at this time should be, “What did they do -- and when did they do it?” We need to know the full story of US Deep State complicity in every aspect of the entire Israeli tragedy. 

  • That the far left mainstream media’s feeding frenzy over the House Republican’s Majority Leader imbroglio is absolute nonsense. And, in fact, it is just another substantiation of the absolute disdain the babbling class has for the democratic process and conservative principles. 

The truth is, the selection of a Majority Leader should be attended with sturm und drang, strutting and fretting, and a cacophony of chaos. After all, they are not kibbitzing about who’s going to pitch for the Pottstown Firebirds. They are debating and deliberating over who is going to lead the House of Representatives in thwarting the greatest leftwing assault on individual freedom in our nation’s history!

The last thing America needs at this critical juncture is another Hastert, Boehner, Ryan, or McCarthy sitting on their ample keisters selling out conservatives at every turn, while bleating about (in the words of Kevin McCarthy), “putting governance over grievance.”

Americans, now oppressed as never before, have legitimate grievances. The radical left Biden regime is launching assaults on personal liberty from every angle. We are, in the words of JFK, being forced to “defend freedom in its hour of maximum danger.”

And we now need a new Majority Leader who has “fought the good fight, kept the faith, and finished the course” with his conservative values fully intact. 

Of course, the leftwing mainstream media knows this – which is why they are intent upon ridiculing a process that could produce that Leader. 

That’s it. Keep the faith!

America by Sandra Grünewald is licensed under Unsplash License
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