Iowa Caucus: It’s The Donald by a Record Landslide!!!

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

As a Constitutional Rights PAC Grassroots Leader, you have been proven right once again!

Though the mainstream media will do everything in their power to cover it up and play it down, the Iowa caucus results are in –

And the once and future President Donald J. Trump won by a landslide!!!

Just as you and I knew he would. 

DeSantis finished a distant second…

Nebulous Nikki (who will say whatever she thinks it takes to win) got unceremoniously buried (and then bizarrely declared victory)…

And the good and decent Vivek Ramaswamy did the good and decent thing by dropping out and endorsing The Donald. 

The excellent Mark Dice video above pretty well sums it all up. 

And now, on to New Hampshire – with you and your fellow Constitutional Rights PAC Patriots once again leading the way!
Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Creative Commons
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