Impeach Him Now

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Make no mistake about it –

Cuban-born Alejandro Mayorkas is selling out America.

He is deliberately destroying the United States southern border.

He is intentionally allowing his fellow Latinos from Cuba, Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua to take complete control of our country…

And turn America into a Third World hellhole. 

That is his traitorous intentions

He is determined to succeed – no matter what evil act it takes –

Unless you and I act NOW to stop him… dead in his tracks --

By impeaching him NOW – and immediately evicting him from office!

The politicians in the House now say that they are finally going to “start impeachment proceedings” against the traitorous Mayorkas.

That’s right: After he broken his oath of office for three full years…

… allowed 11,000,000 of his fellow aliens to invade our country… 

…. ripped down our border defenses… 

… and repeatedly lied to Congress about what he is up to – 

Well, the politicians now say that they are finally going to “start impeachment proceedings” against him.

And, frankly, that is a damn farce.

Here’s the problem – and you and I both know that it is true:

What the politicians in Washington really intend to do is to continue the farce of their phony impeachment hearings until they think that you and I have finally lost interest.

We know their plan – because we’ve seen it all before, haven’t we?

They are going to drag it out and play political games…

They are going to babble on about “nuances” and “proper procedures” and “the rules of the House…

And they are going to defer to each other and kowtow to the media –

Until they let this traitorous reprobate go scott free.

That’s what the politicians plan to do.

Yes, we have seen it all before.

And that’s what they fully plan to do again -- 


That’s why we have to DEMAND that they don’t just try to pull off of one of their typical song and dance routines…

That’s why we have to DEMAND that once again they don’t just posture and preen and put on a typical political show…

We have to DEMAND that they stop playing to the cameras –

And start playing for keeps…

Because thanks to Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, our entire country is now at stakes!

Let’s face it – 

If ever there was a despicable, traitorous, political hack who deserved to be impeached – and, frankly, ridden out of Washington on a rail -- it is the thoroughly corrupt Cuban Alejandro Myorkas.

He swore to protect our borders –

And he instead betrayed our country.

That is why I am asking you to join me RIGHT NOW in taking the one action that can serve notice on the politicians in Washington that we are fed up…

That we want every single inch of our borders protected–

And that we want that horrible little Cuban miscreant Mayorkas thrown out of office --  NOW!!!

So, here is what I am asking you to join me in doing RIGHT NOW – before you even put this email aside:


Call the Homeland Security Committee office (at 202-226-8417) and tell Committee Chairman Mark Green that you want Cuban-born Alejandro Mayorkas impeached NOW. 

Tell him that the impeachment proceedings should have begun three years ago, when Mayorkas first started flooding our country with more than 11,000,000 illegal alien invaders. 

Remind Mr. Green that Mayorkas has betrayed his oath of office and betrayed the trust of the American people. And help Mr. Green understand that we don’t want yet another political show with a lot of preening and posturing. 

We want an impeachment – NOW! 

I urge you to take this action now – while the members of the Homeland Security Committee are just starting to put together agenda. 

Help them understand that there is really only one item on the agenda:


And we haven’t a moment to lose.

With every passing day, Mayokras enables tens of thousands more illegal aliens to cross our border and invade our country,

And he is going to continue cutting the fence and allowing them in –

Until we throw him out!

So, please, do not delay. 

Call now – and together, let’s again make our country safe and sovereign.

Please, make your call NOW!

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