Illegal immigrants from 52 countries crossed US-Mexico border this year

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 07/31/2020
The U.S. Border Patrol chief testified Thursday that migrants from 52 countries have illegally crossed the border this year as she described an agency “overwhelmed on a daily basis” by the escalating crisis.

“While smugglers primarily target the Northern Triangle, family units from 52 countries have illegally crossed the southern border so far this year,” U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost told the House Homeland Security Border Security, Facilitation and Operations Subcommittee.

Her testimony points to the increasingly international nature of the migrant flows crashing against the U.S. border, further complicating efforts to remove those without valid asylum claims. Provost told lawmakers that the numbers from Africa have also increased.

“In just two weeks, more than 740 individuals from African nations – primarily family units -- have been apprehended in Del Rio sector alone, compared to only 108 who crossed the southern border in the first eight months of the fiscal year,” she said.

She went on to say that families from countries such as Brazil, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru, Romania and Vietnam are taking the same pathways as migrants from Central America and taking advantage of legal loopholes in the U.S. system. In April, Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch told Senate lawmakers that his sector had apprehended people from countries including China, Bangladesh, Turkey and Egypt.
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