Hunter Biden kept afloat with millions from father's Democratic donors after foreign money dried up

  • by:
  • Source: Just The News
  • 11/17/2023

When Hunter Biden's foreign business deals began drying up amid his recovery from addiction and his father’s 2020 presidential campaign, he tapped a rich new source of money that has kept him afloat: Democratic supporters of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, according to hundreds of pages of documents reviewed by Just the News.

Evidence gathered by federal and congressional investigators show Hunter Biden collected over $6 million since his father began running for the presidency in 2020. The assistance flowed predominantly from prominent Democratic donor and respected Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris, whom the first son reportedly befriended at one of his father’s fundraising events, according to The New York Times. 

In response to Just The News' fact-checking queries and seeking comment from Morris, his lawyer, Bryan Sullivan, responded that "we believe we know the identity of the source and that it is an individual who has been engaged in a campaign of harassment against Mr. Morris that includes doxing that has resulted in threats on Mr. Morris’ life. We further believe that this individual has only disclosed certain information to cause Mr. Morris public embarrassment and may have outright misrepresented facts and statements about Mr. Morris as part of this campaign of harassment. In short, we do not believe that this source is credible, and certainly cannot be relied upon for any accurate information."

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden by Louise Palanker is licensed under Creative Commons

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