Hindsight Is The Best Insight

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Very often, hindsight provides the best insight, doesn’t it?

How many times have you said to yourself:

“Boy, if I only knew then what I know now!”


Yeah, I know – in fact, sometimes I think I hold the world’s record for that. 

Which is why I urge you to watch the video embedded above from Remnant TV (actually, kindly sent to me by a Constitutional Rights PAC supporter!) 

Remnant editor Michael J. Matt made the video shortly before the 2020 election – 

And, boy, did he know then what we all know now – chapter and verse, inside and out!

So, I encourage you, watch the short video for yourself (it’s only about seven minutes) – and then do two things:

  1. Pat yourself on the back for totally (perhaps, viscerally) understanding then what millions of others have now come to realize; and 
  2. Help your Constitutional Rights PAC continue leading the fight against “spiritual wickedness in high places” Matt so cogently reveals!

Thanks for your continued support!

Flying Half Mast by Jonathan Simcoe is licensed under unsplash.com

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