He's a Joke - It's Not

Four days have now passed since Toxic Joe Biden’s debate debacle. And it is time to take a hard, serious look at what actually transpired. What it revealed. And what it portends.  

As I said immediately following the debate, Toxic Joe’s performance confirmed everything I have known about him as a high level operative on the Washington political scene for nearly 50 years – as long as he has been in national politics. 

He is a conniving, evil man. He is totally self-centered. He lies as a matter of course. And longs to be in the spot light, as the center of attention – no matter what state he is in, or how thoroughly unprepared he is for the job at hand. 

That is Joseph Robinette Biden. It is precisely how he conducted himself when I worked with him in the U.S. Senate. And remains precisely how he is today. 

Senile buffoon, or not. 

But, it is the senility he displayed at the debate that should have every American deeply concerned about every move he has made since shuffling into the Oval Office. And every move he may make in the remaining four months of his reign of error. 

Or, more precisely, I should say, it is the toxic senility that should have every American profoundly worried. 

You see, Joe Biden has a unique form of senility that causes him to angrily lash out at the spur of the moment, at the drop of a hat. The issue confronting this bitter, morose, and paranoid old man doesn’t have to be earthshaking or existential. It doesn’t even have to be consequential. 

It merely has to be some simple word or deed that in his mind triggers his primeval fight or flight mechanism. A mechanism that in patients like him with toxic Alzheimer's or dementia is easily triggered. And then rules his deranged machinations. 

You saw it explicitly, shockingly and alarmingly in his over-the-top, outrageously inordinate and astucious reaction to Donald Trump’s off-hand, inconsequential comments about their golf games.  

Suddenly Toxic Joe, who for most of the debate was staring vacuously off into the abyss or mumbling incoherently into his drool cup, sprung to life in a sputtering, spouting display of shocking indignation. 

How dare Donald Trump question his absolute primacy out on the links?! Question my border policies, he seemed to be declaring, criticize my handling of the economy – go ahead and ridicule my war making ability… But don’t you dare tell the American people that I couldn’t play every other golfer in the world under the table and walk away clad in green with the Masters Jacket!

Don’t you dare!!!

Say what? (you may have been asking yourself as was I).

Now, just stop and think about that for a minute about that pathetic performance – because in those few moments of the Great Golf Disputation, Joseph Robinette Biden revealed himself as a man whose mind is so filled with senile toxicity that he can no longer control his most intemperate outbursts and actions.

As we saw live, onstage, in person, and absolutely incontrovertible, he is, quite simply, deranged.  

Okay, let’s bring it home, shall we?

According to even the most liberal mainstream media outlets, his top aides are revealing that day in and day out, Toxic Joe is now a man whose emotions are absolutely uncontrolled and uncontrollable.

He lashes out. He makes mindboggling decisions during fits of unbridled anger. When his thoughts, words, or deeds are questioned – even in the slightest – he bitterly doubles down and demands his every whim, wish, command, and demand be acceded to. Immediately. If not sooner. 

Now, to reify to the real world. To a horrific real life situation where his toxic dementia has manifested itself time and again – even as all around him knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was angrily – yes, manically -- leading the world to the brink of catastrophic destruction…

And directly causing the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands of helpless, hopeless young men and women – yeah, an entire generation of a nation’s youth.

Now, after seeing his angry, absurd, I’m-the-greatest-golfer disputation, we can understand why a dementedly toxic Joe Biden would double down time after time and again on a tragically lost war in the Ukraine, can’t we? A war which Donald Trump said should never have started in the first place. And no other president would have ever allowed – yet alone encouraged.

Time after time and again, as the tragic death toll of young Ukrainians mounted astronomically – by the day – a wide-eyed, clearly out of touch and out of control Toxic Joe Biden kept mumbling into the mike, “We are winning.”

Even as hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers overran sparsely held Ukrainian positions hour after hour, a clearly agitated, out-of-touch Toxic Joe kept muttering, “The evil Putin is losing.”

As he wasted trillions of taxpayer dollars and Ukrainian lives. 

Can you understand it all now?

Can you see how Toxic Joe reacts whenever his prowess is questioned… against whoever may have aroused his now demented instincts? 

Vladimir Putin questioned Toxic Joe Biden’s golf game on the international links – with all the world watching. 

And if 600,000 Ukrainian kids lives had to be wasted… if an entire generation had to be wiped out… if an entire nation could soon cease to exist – 

Well, by God, it is all entirely worth it to Toxic Joe Biden, dontchaknow…

“Because I have a six – or is it eight? – handicap…

And I carry my own bag!!!”

So, there you have it:

Toxic Joe Biden’s disastrous performance on the CNN debate stage may have become a running joke…

But, his dastardly performance on the world stage certainly is not. 

The graves of his victims now lie in Flanders Fields from one end of the Ukraine to the other…

And it is time to pull this demented, demonic clown off center stage. 

Because all bad things must to come to an end.


Joe Biden by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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