Hamas attack exposes our ideologically captured universities

As the depravity of Hamas continues to be realized — including the beheading of dozens of babies, the rape of hundreds of women, and the deaths of over a thousand Israelis — some have been shocked by how this violence is being not just tolerated, but celebrated, on college campuses.

“In nearly 50 years of Harvard affiliation, I have never been as disillusioned and alienated as I am today,” former Harvard President and National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers said Monday after over two dozen Harvard student groups issued a joint statement supporting the attacks.

And Harvard was not alone. Similar statements from student groups are still pouring in from college campuses across the nation, each of them offering “unwavering support of the Palestinian people's right to resist colonial oppression."

Who is teaching our nation’s highest performing students that rape and murder of innocent civilians is justified?

blue and white academic hat by Joshua Hoehne is licensed under unsplash.com
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