Grocery prices driving some voters to Trump in 2024: 'Wants to make the economy better for people like us'

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 02/02/2024

Relentlessly high prices at the grocery store are causing some voters to reconsider voting for Donald Trump in the 2024 election, according to a recent report.

Single mother Jasmine Sanders of Helena, Montana told The Washington Post that she struggles to feed her family despite working two jobs and receiving food stamp assistance. 

While inflation has cooled in the past year, grocery prices are still up 25% from where they were four years ago. 

Until recently, the 23-year-old hadn't planned to vote in this year's election, viewing both leading candidates as only interested in helping the wealthiest Americans. But the economic strain on her family has made her take a second look at Trump as the better candidate to help change her situation.

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