First Black MN Police Union Director Battles Gayle King Over Media’s ‘Racial’ Cop Narrative: ‘Absolutely’ False, ‘It Needs To Stop’

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  • Source: Daily Wire
  • 07/31/2020
Rich Walker Sr., the first black director of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis, battled CBS’ Gayle King on Tuesday morning concerning the host’s claim that black people feel “under siege” and are being “targeted” by white officers in Minneapolis, following the death of George Floyd.

“Let’s address the elephant in the room, how black people feel in your city, that black men are under siege by white police officers, and that they’re targeted in a disproportionate rate,” King said.

“I think, absolutely, the media’s push is to drum-up as much racial issues and stress as there is,” answered Walker, adding that he is not “denying the fact that the city needs to grow.”

“What I’m saying is, the narrative that is being pushed in the media is that white police officers are out on these streets just to kill black men,” Walker told King, “and that is absolutely farthest from the truth.”
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