FBI Used Cash Bonuses To Encourage Agents To Wiretap More Americans, Whistleblower Says

The FBI’s bonus structure encourages agents to arbitrarily use law enforcement tools including wiretaps, according to whistleblower testimony from former and current FBI employees released by the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

The committee released an interim staff report Thursday morning raising concerns about “abuses and misconduct in the FBI,” featuring testimony from special agents, an intelligence analyst and a staff operations specialist.

Special agents in charge (SACs) are able to get year-end bonuses by meeting certain metrics, some of which are determined by the SACs themselves, which encourage the deployment of law enforcement resources including wiretapping, according to the report. (RELATED: Former Agent Says FBI Took Away His Pay, Left ‘Family Homeless’ After He Blew Whistle On ‘Illegal’ Activity)


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