Eric Swalwell is an idiot

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,

Eric Swalwell is an idiot…

Along with his 212 fellow Democrat members of the House of Representatives. 

As is revealed explicitly in the exchanges below between Mr. Swalwell and the ever loquacious Ben Shapiro.

One disquisition in particular jumps out at us…

Because in his usual smug and disdainful manner, Mr. Swalwell clearly enunciates the… well… idiotic political posturing of the entire House minority.

It is all summed up in Swalwell’s pontification that the 15 million illegal aliens who have invaded America since Toxic Joe Biden took office “have done nothing wrong -- except not having documents.”

Which is the equivalent of declaring that “Al Capone did nothing wrong – except, of course, the St. Valentine’s Day massacre. So, why all the hubbub?” 

Or, the “Willie Sutton did nothing wrong – except robbing over 100 banks. So what’s all the to-do about.”

I guess someone needs to define the word “illegal” – as in illegal aliens -- to the obtuse and uneducable Mr. Swalwell and his colleagues. 

The fact is, were I in Mr. Shapiro’s place, I believe I would have responded, “Yes, Mr. Swalwell, and you did nothing wrong – except have sex with a known Chinese spy. Which was sinful, stupid, and traitorous.”

Eric Swalwell is a bonafide idiot. 

As you will see in the video below.  

Thank God for Ben Shapiro and Officer Tatum.

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