Don't Cry For Me Argentina

Dear Constitutional Rights PAC Patriot,


The world is in shock…

And the radical left is in mourning.


Javier Milei, the quixotic (or “far right,” as the extreme left likes to label him) candidate of the La Libertad Avanza (Freedom Party) has won the presidency of Argentina – 

In a landslide -- 56-46!


And what is he really like?

Well, picture Donald Trump thirty years younger, with jet black hair.

And even less restrained. 

Once again, PTL -- es fantastico!!!

Just to put it all into perspective for you...

A thoroughly enjoyable video analysis by the ever-entertaining Officer Tatum (embedded above) – is going to have you laughing out loud. 


PS: Allow me to add a revealing Constitutional Rights PAC Insight that you also might want to share with your family and friends: Notice that in the Argentine video interview, the obviously leftwing scam artist reporter uses only an extreme close up when showing Milei. That is known as a “Choker Shot” – and it is used in horror movies to make the villain look all the more frightening. In short, it is a typical leftwing cheap shot.  
Liberals-Milei by The Officer Tatum is licensed under
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