Dems' Abortion Lies

Democrats fighting to expand a woman's "right to choose," no matter how far along her pregnancy, claim late-term abortions are rare and done only when the woman's health or life is at stake or when the fetus has a fatal condition. That's false. Here's the truth: At least 12,000 late-term abortions are done every year in the U.S., and almost none are out of medical necessity.

Fetal abnormalities "make up a small minority of later abortions," according to Diana Greene Foster of the University of California, San Francisco, lead investigator of the largest-ever study of women seeking late-term abortions. Foster reports that threats to the health of the mother are even more rare. The study found women's reasons were all over the place. They included travel considerations, expense, indecision and disagreement with the father.

Sixteen percent of abortion facilities terminate pregnancies that are 24 weeks along (out of the full 40-week term), when many fetuses are viable outside the womb, according to the Congressional Research Service.

Democrats are trying to make it even easier to get late-term abortions in states like New Mexico, Massachusetts, Vermont and Virginia.

Some legislation would even allow medical practitioners the discretion to withhold from newborns who survived abortion the treatments all preemies with immature lungs need to breathe and survive. That would doom them to die within hours. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed such macabre legislation on Jan. 22, and celebrated by having One World Trade Center lit pink.
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